Project 2

Particle Interaction Simulator

This project was inspired by me wanting to create baseline visuals for particle interaction within a confined 3d space.

The simulation is designed to help understand the physical and chemical behaviors of particles. Going forward, I plan on implementing different physical/chemical conditions that will dictate their motion (ie gravity, temperature, etc).

Mathematical Foundation

1. Newton's Laws of Motion:

According to Newton's second law, the force acting on a particle is equal to the mass of the particle multiplied by its acceleration:

\[ F = ma \]

2. Particle Interactions:

Gravitational Forces: In the absence of other forces (closed system), particles will experience gravitational attraction towards each other.

Electrostatic Forces: Charged particles will experience repulsive or attractive forces based on Coulomb's law:

\[ F = k_e \frac{q_1 q_2}{r^2} \]

Lennard-Jones Potential: This potential models the interaction between a pair of neutral atoms or molecules. It is a function of the distance between the particles and has a form:

\[ V(r) = 4\epsilon \left[ \left(\frac{\sigma}{r}\right)^{12} - \left(\frac{\sigma}{r}\right)^{6} \right] \]

where \( \epsilon \) is the depth of the potential well, \( \sigma \) is the finite distance at which the inter-particle potential is zero, and \( r \) is the distance between the particles.

3. Boundary Conditions:

The particles are confined within a box, which means they will experience boundary conditions. When a particle hits the wall of the box, it will bounce back, which can be modeled using perfectly elastic collisions.

Simulation Logic


Particles are initialized with random positions and velocities within the confined box. Initial conditions include particle mass, charge, and other properties relevant to their interactions.

Time Stepping:

The simulation proceeds in discrete time steps. At each time step:

Technologies Used

Raw Code

from vpython import *
import random

# Constants
num_particles = 100
box_size = 15
particle_radius = 0.3
dt = 0.05  # time derivative that is used to calculate speed

# create the simulation box with a white outline
simulation_box = box(size=vector(box_size, box_size, box_size), opacity=0.1, color=color.white)

# create the outline using a curve for each edge
edges = [
    [vector(-box_size/2, -box_size/2, -box_size/2), vector(box_size/2, -box_size/2, -box_size/2)],
    [vector(box_size/2, -box_size/2, -box_size/2), vector(box_size/2, box_size/2, -box_size/2)],
    [vector(box_size/2, box_size/2, -box_size/2), vector(-box_size/2, box_size/2, -box_size/2)],
    [vector(-box_size/2, box_size/2, -box_size/2), vector(-box_size/2, -box_size/2, -box_size/2)],
    [vector(-box_size/2, -box_size/2, box_size/2), vector(box_size/2, -box_size/2, box_size/2)],
    [vector(box_size/2, -box_size/2, box_size/2), vector(box_size/2, box_size/2, box_size/2)],
    [vector(box_size/2, box_size/2, box_size/2), vector(-box_size/2, box_size/2, box_size/2)],
    [vector(-box_size/2, box_size/2, box_size/2), vector(-box_size/2, -box_size/2, box_size/2)],
    [vector(-box_size/2, -box_size/2, -box_size/2), vector(-box_size/2, -box_size/2, box_size/2)],
    [vector(box_size/2, -box_size/2, -box_size/2), vector(box_size/2, -box_size/2, box_size/2)],
    [vector(box_size/2, box_size/2, -box_size/2), vector(box_size/2, box_size/2, box_size/2)],
    [vector(-box_size/2, box_size/2, -box_size/2), vector(-box_size/2, box_size/2, box_size/2)]

for edge in edges:
    curve(pos=edge, color=color.white)

# function to generate a random color
def random_color():
    return vector(random.random(), random.random(), random.random())

class Particle:
    def __init__(self, position, velocity, radius, color):
        self.sphere = sphere(pos=position, radius=radius, color=color)
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.radius = radius

    def update_position(self):
        self.sphere.pos += self.velocity * dt

    def check_collision_with_walls(self):
        if abs(self.sphere.pos.x) + self.radius >= box_size / 2:
            self.velocity.x *= -1
            self.sphere.pos.x = copysign(box_size / 2 - self.radius, self.sphere.pos.x)
        if abs(self.sphere.pos.y) + self.radius >= box_size / 2:
            self.velocity.y *= -1
            self.sphere.pos.y = copysign(box_size / 2 - self.radius, self.sphere.pos.y)
        if abs(self.sphere.pos.z) + self.radius >= box_size / 2:
            self.velocity.z *= -1
            self.sphere.pos.z = copysign(box_size / 2 - self.radius, self.sphere.pos.z)

    def handle_collision(self, other):
        distance = mag(self.sphere.pos - other.sphere.pos)
        if distance < 2 * self.radius:
            pos_i = self.sphere.pos
            pos_j = other.sphere.pos
            vel_i = self.velocity
            vel_j = other.velocity

            normal = norm(pos_j - pos_i)
            relative_velocity = vel_i - vel_j
            speed = dot(relative_velocity, normal)

            if speed > 0:  # only adjust if theyre moving towards each other
                impulse = 2 * speed / (1 / self.radius + 1 / other.radius)
                self.velocity -= impulse * normal / self.radius
                other.velocity += impulse * normal / other.radius

# create a list to hold the particles
particles = []

# initialize particles with random positions, velocities, and colors
for i in range(num_particles):
    position = vector(random.uniform(-box_size/2, box_size/2),
                        random.uniform(-box_size/2, box_size/2),
                        random.uniform(-box_size/2, box_size/2))
    velocity = vector(random.uniform(-1, 1),
                        random.uniform(-1, 1),
                        random.uniform(-1, 1))
    color = random_color()  # assign a random color to each particle
    particle = Particle(position, velocity, particle_radius, color)

# main simulation loop
while True:
    for particle in particles:
    for i in range(num_particles):
        for j in range(i+1, num_particles):
